Brexit advocate slammed in heated pile on for backing Global Britain trade strategy

Controversial Brexiteer faces backlash for promoting “Global Britain” agenda

A prominent Brexiteer has been embroiled in a heated online debate after he defended the government’s “Global Britain” agenda.

The politician, who has been a vocal supporter of Brexit, was accused of being “out of touch” and “living in the past” by critics who believe that the UK’s future lies in closer cooperation with the EU.

The debate began when the Brexiteer wrote an article in a newspaper in which he argued that the UK should be focusing on trade deals with countries around the world, rather than on its relationship with the EU.

He said that the UK should be “taking back control” of its trade policy and that it should be able to strike its own deals with countries like China and India.

The Brexiteer’s comments were met with a wave of criticism from pro-EU supporters, who accused him of being “isolationist” and “economically illiterate.”

One critic wrote on Twitter that the Brexiteer’s “Global Britain” agenda was “a fantasy” and that the UK would be “better off” staying in the EU.

Another critic said that the Brexiteer’s comments were “insulting” to the UK’s trading partners and that they would damage the country’s reputation on the world stage.

The Brexiteer has defended his position, saying that the UK is “a great country” that has the potential to do great things on the world stage.

He said that the UK needs to be “more ambitious” and that it should not be afraid to “punch above its weight.”

The debate is likely to continue for some time, but it is clear that there is a deep divide in opinion on the UK’s future direction.

The government’s “Global Britain” agenda is a key part of its post-Brexit strategy, but it has been met with mixed reactions.

Some people believe that the agenda is ambitious and that it could help to boost the UK’s economy.

Others believe that the agenda is unrealistic and that it will do more harm than good.

Only time will tell whether the “Global Britain” agenda will be a success or a failure.

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